Tank Autonomous

2024 September 2024

Getting code

Clone the titan2022/Training2024 repository if you haven’t done so in the previous lesson. Afterwards, create a branch from the auton-lesson-template branch and call it auton-lesson-<USERNAME>.


This branch should contain a TankDriveSubsystem with three public methods: driveLeft(double), driveRight(double), and stop(). Utilize these (look more into the file for more information) in your commands to control the drivebase. Robot.java should have a TankDriveSubsystem initialized as drive on the line 18.

There will also be a TankControlCommand and MoveCommand. TankControlCommand is the teleop control command that we covered in the previous lesson. MoveCommand is simple: it sets all four motors to specified output, with no end condition. This means that the command will run forever without a timeout, which you can call through .withTimeout(double).

Now, there’s also a new way to call commands: SequentialCommandGroup. Initialize a new SequentialCommandGroup and pass the commands you want to run in order (don’t schedule commands inside the group, see example). Since the next command can only start when the first finishes, make sure to add a terminating statement like .withTimeout(double). Schedule the command group inside autonomousInit()—this will be your autonomous routine. Final example of how to use these elements can be found there already.

Final code (from after the lesson)

branch auton-lesson-template

The Task

  1. discard all your changes and merge from auton-lesson-template (just create a new branch off of it) (your progress will be lost again, mb)

  2. utilize MoveCommand and create a rotation command

  • you only need to turn 90 degrees, so making it time based is fine

  • copy from MoveCommand if needed

  1. use SequentialCommandGroup to run commands in order

  2. add .withTimeout(X) to terminate each command after X seconds

  3. see existing SequentialCommandGroup example in the branch and ping me for help

  4. use everything to make the robot complete a square