
These are a few common configuration changes you might need to make to a coprocessor.


This is not normally needed on a coprocessor but is helpful if you need to use it as a desktop for any reason. It has a lot of useful apps for ARM64 devices.

wget -qO- | bash


zram allows you to use a compressed section of RAM as a swapfile, rather than using the slow sdcard.

wget -qO- | bash

To disable:

wget -qO- | bash


Connecting to Wi-Fi from terminal


On PhotonVision and WPILibPi images, Wi-Fi is disabled due to a blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/. To fix this, you can do:

sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d /etc/modprobe.d.backup
sudo reboot

Show the available Wi-Fi networks:

nmcli dev wifi

Connect to IMSApublic (example):

nmcli dev wifi connect IMSApublic password IMSAfall24

More info: Ubuntu Core documentation | RHEL 9 documentation

Specify preferred IP address

This will still obtain the IP address over DHCP (automatic IP address setting controlled by the router) but will tell the router that you prefer a certain address.

If you want to prefer the address while on IMSApublic, you can run:

sudo nmcli con modify IMSApublic ipv4.addresses

Autostart, pushing, etc

See the Titan-Processing deployment scripts for an example on how to do this.